
Pictures Lookup in Excel

Do we know having lookup on the Pictures is as interesting and affective as normal lookups in the excel! It is just as simple as other lookups are! It is certainly helpful when working on some visuals, Dashboards or Pic elaborative reports. Lets start how we can have fun with this:- I am having just a simple below dataset which comprises on Top player and bowler for each calendar year in the ICC ranking.  We want the Batsman and Bowler picture to be displayed when a particular year is selected via data validation. To get this working, we have to place each player picture in a particular cell and have to give that cell a particular name - prefer to give the name of the player to that cell as highlighted in the below image. The simple way to name cells is to place the picture on the right column and names on the left column. By going to "Formula Tab" and then by clicking on the "Create From Selection", we can create names of right cells by copying the left cells'

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