Excel Percentage/Progress Chart

Welcome back to Daily Pro Hacks !

Today's hack is about creating a dynamic progress or percentage chart.

This chart shall allow you to create interactive visualization for your data presentation.

So lets start to roll it down !


Data is available to us in the below format. It reflects targeted and actual sales for the each zone and for each month.

There are four zones available so we will create progress chart for each zone available.

Steps to create the chart


Create a pivot table form the main database and sort it out in the below fashion. Yellow highlighted isn't part of pivot table and I've added it manually to show it in the visualization.


Insert the timeline now by clicking on the pivot table and go to analyze tab > Filter section > Insert timeline.


Chart creation shall start now.
Go to insert tab> Chart area>Pie Chart>Doughnut Chart. Make sure to have clicked on an empty cell while you do this step.

Now an empty doughnut chart area shall be in front of you.
Right click on the empty area and click on 'select data' and perform the following steps.

From the pop out window. click on legend series > Add data. In the series values, just add multiple ones (1). This is done to create just the equal blocks of the doughnut chart. This step's video is given below.


Again right click on the doughnut chart area and go to select data window. Click on the add data again and define the series name with the zone name and series values with the calculated percentage values.

Below video shall help to get his more easily. Once this step is done, you will have one doughnut with two areas only.


Click on the outer blue side of the doughnut and go to format data.
In the format data, fill this block with NIL colour.
Now click on the orange part of the doughnut and again do to format data. Give it a white colour and transparency of anything around 25%.

Find the below for this step.

Having done so, your doughnut progress chart is ready and shall be functioning as working in the first video.

Repeat the same steps with all other zone categories to create one chart for each of the zones.

You can increase doughnut size by increasing the Doughnut hole size from the data series.

Add the little bit formatting as you wish and give your visualization a go to present.

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  1. Hi please share on below email id


  2. Pls share a copy to me too :) laykoon.tan.sg@gmail.com


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