Excel Speedometer Chart

Today's post is about creating a speed o meter chart in excel. This is the 2nd post related to our recent Dashboard series. If you haven't gone through that yet, please click on the below link to follow.


This chart is mostly useful to present KPIs or budget vs actual performance.
The data which i have used in this dashboard is the zone wise actual and budgeted sales of an organisation.

To create this speed o meter chart effect, please follow the below steps

Step no.1

Create a fake database with the below values.


Insert a doughnut chart from the above assumed values. This is done to create the four sections of the doughnut. To create this go to Insert Tab>Charts>Insert Doughnut Chart.

Now select the last doughnut of the chart and go to chart formatting area and select the color fill property to NIL. This shall let you have only three sections of the doughnut chart now. You can give each doughnut a different colour i.e. less than 50% = RED etc.

Step no. 2

Go to actual vs budgeted sheet of each zone and extract the database in the below format.

I-Actual percentage
II-numeric number 2
III- 200-Actual percentage-2

whatever the actual percentage is, total of the above three figures shall always be 200.

Step no. 3

Go to already created doughnut chart area > right click > select data>Legend entries>add Data and then add the pie chart from this database.

No you have a combo chart. One is doughnut and other one is pie chart.

Select the Pie chart and remove the section which are related to clause no. 1 and clause no. III from the database defined in step no.2

This shall leave you with a single bar and your chart is ready to go.

To make it more interactive, we can add pivot table slicer or timeline etc.



  1. Can you please send a copy of this spreadsheet to lipton.jeff@yahoo.com?


  2. Hi can i also have a copy at aristidetanoh19@gmail.com

  3. Please help with send copy to my email is raden.saputra@gmail.com, thanks.

  4. Can you please send to razoffir@gmail.com
    Thank you

  5. Hi! Please share on below email id

  6. Hi...can u share on email id: mehta_manisha123@yahoo.com

  7. Please send a copy to me :-)

  8. Please send a copy to me too

  9. please send a copy to my email add xed1717@gmail.com

  10. Please send a copy to me at andrengpq@gmail.com if possible! Many thanks!

  11. Pls share a copy to me too :) laykoon.tan.sg@gmail.com


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